The only thing better than a raucous games night with friends is, um, nothing.
It’s good clean fun. Clean, minus the FOUL, trucker-mouthed answers during our last game of Awkward Family Photos.
It’s serious pee-your-pants fun. Okay ya, that’s not exactly clean either. Clearly Games Night is a whole lotta dirty fun.
The game is played using a stack of awkward, like really awkward, photos. One player rolls the die and reads aloud the corresponding question from the list of questions surrounding the board. Players write an answer specific to the card in play.
After hearing all of the answers, the roller will most likely look like this —>
After wiping her nose, she picks her favourite answer, and then guesses which player wrote which answer.
If your answer was chosen as the fave, you get to put one of your chips on the board. If the roller guesses three correct answers, she gets to put one of her chips on the board. The first player with all her chips on the board, is victorious!
The question for this photo:
On the cover of what magazine (real or made-up) should this photo appear?
Players’ Answers:
– White Rasta Cat Lovers Journal
– Pussy Curls
– Believe It Or Not, I’m Walking On Hair
– Pussies and Punks
– Feline Fetish Quarterly
The question for this photo:
What do you think happened right after this photo was taken?
Players’ Answers:
– A voice whispered, “Get that rake out of my ass…and MY ass.”
– Hilly Billy hummers. {Funnier, the roller misread it as “Hilly Billy hummus.”}
– The needle whispered quietly to itself, “Phew, thank god those crazy f*cks didn’t find me.”
– 2 out of 3 people were unwittingly sodomized by his detachable penis.
– The girls went for a roll in ze hay with Bin Laden.
See? Good clean fun. 🙂
Play this and You’ll LAUGH YOUR HEAD OFF—both at the photos and at the absolute ridiculosity of your friends and family. FYI, we played this game with our eight year old son. A FAR cleaner version.