I couldn’t very well ask YOU to show me yours without showing you MINE. So here’s one of the many awkward photos from the Thornbury archives. Note the expression on my husband’s face — the bell necklace he was forced to wear clearly put him over the awkward edge.
Scroll to the end to find out which photo has been awarded
“Most Awkward.”
Here they are in no particular order.
1. Toothpaste Is For Chumps |
2. Prima Ballerina in the ill-fitting tutu |
3. I don’t care if my face stays like this…she’s driving me batty! |
4. Nanny Mc Goatee |
5. Sears Catalogue Reject |
6. I’m With Frosty, yo! |
7. Flanked By Chihuahuas |
8. Smoke ’em if you got ’em. |
9. Rub a dub dub two grandparents in a tub
10. I asked for a Baby Alive doll. Santa’s kind of a jerk. |
11. I’ve just found next year’s Christmas card pose
(and he thought the bell necklace was bad!). |
And the winner is…. #9!
Congratulations Claudine!
You have won an Awkward Family Photos board game
(Courtesy of FamilyFunGames.com) for you
to enjoy with your…um….awkward family. 🙂