Tampax Cowboy!

Yesterday {on my Yummy Mummy Club blog} I wrote about backpacks. Specifically, tips to ensure your child’s spine doesn’t warp under the weight of all the crap they carry around. Plus, I’m giving away a fun Back-to-School-Prize-Pack…just because.

As I was writing I had this backpack flashback:

I used to teach second grade at a private school. For the sake of time {and the fact that a locker room filled with seven-year-olds is sheer chaos} the children changed out of their uniforms into their gym shorts in the classroom.

One afternoon as I sat at my desk “marking papers” (aka…checking my email) while the class changed, I heard a small voice say, “What is this?” as he investigated a mystery item discovered at the bottom of his backpack.

“I don’t know what it is,” he said to his friend, “but I can do this with it!”

He then held an unwrapped tampon firmly by the string and circled it overhead like a cowboy with a lasso.

“Yee-haw!” he exclaimed enthusiastically. I suggested he toss that little doggie in the trash and promptly shooed him off to gym class.

When his mother picked him up after school I asked if she had, by any chance (heh heh) borrowed her son’s backpack?

“Yes, we took it with us to the park this weekend. Why?” she asked.

“I believe you left something in the bag,” I said as I told her the tale of the Tampax Cowboy.

Yeeeee-ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!