Today is International Persons with a Disability Day. I’d never actually heard of it until it popped into my Twitter stream.
It seems there are “DAYS” of recognition for everything now—like “Wear Brown Shoes Day” (coming up tomorrow in case you’re interested),
There’s also:
- Ninja Day
- Learn Your Name In Morse Code Day
- Battery Day (sounds like a great opportunity to relax and recharge)
- Cat Herder’s Day (otherwise known as parenting small children day)
- Pigs In A Blanket Day (assuming they mean the food, not “let your Guinea Pig sleep with you”)
- Talk Liketh Shakespeare Day
- Hug A Plumber Day (Just don’t get cheeky with their, you know, bum crack)
- Bird Day—Reminds me, I need to send a pigeon a Happy Bird Day card…
And there many other obscure and silly days that completely make my day.
In case you think I’m making these up, the entire calendar of DAYS is right here.
I don’t know who came up with Disability Day. Is it even real? It certainly is for our family as we “celebrate”and embrace diversity every day.
Disability Day, recognized by the United Nations, was established to help break barriers and open doors in hopes of creating an inclusive society and development for all.
We all have some kind of disability to a certain degree—some impediments are just more visible or pronounced than others. So should we wish each other a Happy Disability Day? I say yes. This day embodies the spirit of acceptance and understanding that can only lead to good things. And, this message of compassion, tolerance and inclusion can’t be shared often enough.
And now, I’m off to find my brown shoes.