I worry about things like Hog Weed, and Lyme Disease, and plane crashes, and nuclear war. I’m scared of penicillin resistant super bugs, and child abduction, and funnel clouds, and pesticides, and GMOs, and solar flares destroying the earth or at the very least, our internet access. And tsunamis (which is dumb because I don’t even live near an ocean, but we occasionally visit the seaside). Oh, and Ebola.
But the thing that scares me the most; the one fear that consumes my thoughts on a daily basis, is cancer. It’s the Exorcist of diseases. Gory slasher flicks don’t scare me, but horror movies like Paranormal Activity and the Exorcist terrify me because they could happen.
Just like cancer could happen. And it does. Based on 2009 estimates two out of five Canadians (45% of men and 41% of women) are expected to develop cancer during their lifetimes. And one out of four Canadians (29% of men and 24% of women) is expected to die from cancer. Source
This is truly frightening.
FYI, fretting over every lump, bump and funny mole doesn’t actually help. In fact, the resulting stress makes things worse. So what can we do?
Eating well, cutting down alcohol consumption, regular exercise, reducing stress, and supporting research initiatives can help give us the upper hand.
My friends and I took action a few years ago by participating in the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure. My son and I ran together (He ran. I lumbered along behind). We ran for my aunt and proudly displayed her name on our shirts and raced in support of her and the many others battling this disease.
I humbly acknowledge that running a few KMs is nothing compared to what too many people are facing. But it’s one small step towards taking control and showing our support. It’s a drop in the proverbial bucket — a deep, dark bucket, like the buckets at the bottom of a dank, ominous well in those scary movies.
Let’s fill those buckets with light and hope…and money towards a cure. Doctors are hopeful there will be a cure within our lifetime, so let’s go! What are we waiting for?
My parents, son, daughter, husband and I ran for the cure at the Toronto Zoo (No, it’s a thing. You can seriously do that.)
*I asked if I could ride on the back of a camel or a giraffe, but they said no.
Team Pink Panda! |