Category: Videos
A Video For A SPECIAL Sister
He wanted a way to explain to his peers about how his sister is very different from, yet exactly the same as everyone else. Our son made this video to share with his schoolmates. He said it would be easier if people would just ask him what they want to know, instead of staring…
Mum, Mum, Mum, Mum, Mum, Mummy, Ma, Mum…
Like a blonde, curly haired broken record, my daughter gets stuck on repeat. Actually, she must repeat in order to learn. Genetic testing has revealed that our child is missing specific genes linked as the cause of mental delays specifically related to memory. Children learn by mimicking and remembering. It takes Avery much longer to…
Don’t Touch That Remote!
My nine year old son took this video–him sneaking up on his sister to catch her reaction. It’s like Wild Animal Kingdom, but with pillows and a duvet.