Tag: parenting
Beware The Snapping Turtle
One of the benefits of having a blog is being able to vent. I try not to hit “publish” on topics that are negative or mean spirited or just plain whiney. There’s already enough of that noise out there, I don’t want to add to it. So if you’re reading this, it would seem I…
Partners In Parenting
My husband and I are partners in every way. Well, except for banking—I “chequed” out of all the financial stuff years ago. Though I feign interest, he and I both know I’m thinking about Mad Men or what might be happening on Facebook while he’s explaining our bank statements. But that’s okay because I…
Online Medical Research: A Blessing And A Curse
With so much medical and genetics related information accessible online, many parents regularly turn to the internet to research everything. If you’re the parent of a child with special needs or specific medical issues, it’s crucial to understand as much as possible about current challenges, potential problems, and helpful therapies. This knowledge is…
I’m A Parent, No Doubt
Parenthood is filled with anxiety fueled I-don’t-know-what-the-hell-I’m-doing daily doses of doubt. None of us are truly prepared to be “in charge” of another human being. We’re all just kind of thrown into this But, when you ARE in charge of another person you need to learn to do just that – take charge. I have two children – our youngest has…