Tag: videos
This New Form Of YOGA Is Sure To Catch On
I love yoga. Or more accurately, the idea of yoga. Not to mention the sinewy limbs that come from actually practicing yoga instead of sitting on your ever widening ass watching You Tube videos about yoga while eating crackers slathered in 115 mls of apple butter. If this yoga class comes to a studio near…
Dissing A Hero
Even helpful and hard working super heros are sometimes dismissed. Take what happened to the Incredibles. That poor family was completely dissed by a cynical society. And check out this poor super hero. Just trying to keep his grandparents; backyard safe and free of evil, look at how his sister and family completely disregards…
Grandparents—a video
Grandparents are a gift. Sure, sometimes you want to exchange them, but mostly you’re just incredibly grateful to have them in your life. I grew up surrounded by love and laughter and I’m thankful for that. And now my parents are sharing the silly side of life with my kids. When my parents look after…
Don’t Touch That Remote!
My nine year old son took this video–him sneaking up on his sister to catch her reaction. It’s like Wild Animal Kingdom, but with pillows and a duvet.